Monday, September 10, 2007

The Point of this Blog

I have tried to keep our travel blog very focused on just traveling so it would be interesting not just to friends and family who are interested in our well being but other people out there who might be considering visiting some of the places that we've been. But, after looking at several of my friend's blogs I have decided that I need to create a new blog for myself because I enjoy reading so much about what you are doing and I thought that maybe you would enjoy doing the same beyond just what's happening in our traveling life (though that's probably the most interesting). I am hoping to use this blog to share general news from the William's household (currently a Toyota Camery :) and recipes, helpful tips, and anything else I can come up with. By the way, does anyone know what the number 565 on my template represents?


  1. The answer to 565:

  2. Or could it possibly be referring to the great:

  3. The real question is....
    What does the fine print text say above your name at the very top?

    ___ _ __ ___ ___ | | __ _ _
    / __| '_ \ / _ \ / _ \| |/ / | | |
    \__ \ |_) | (_) | (_) | <| I_| |
    |___/ .__/\__/ \__/|_|\_\\__, |
    |_| |___/

  4. I think it is the number of times you have wanted to stop walking during all of your traveling, but just kept on going anyway. At least that is what it would represent for me if I were you.

  5. I'm so glad you're keeping another blog. I love to keep in touch!

  6. I'm excited for the new blog! We aren't very good about updating ours but it's . There's a link to Jasmine's on there too.

  7. Hey Michelle,
    I like the blog! I have no idea what 565 means. I'll be trying your recipe soon!

  8. um I am not sure what it is, but I do know that numbers on a running shoe make them more popular, more people buy running shoes with numbers on them. it's just supposed to make your site more popular, that is all.
