Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I know a lot of you are bloggers so I am passing this along. I have been getting comments left on my blog by users I don't know. They contain links and the links download viruses to your computer if you click on them. To protect against my readers and me from clicking on the bad links I have enabled the function that requires comments to be reviewed by me before they are posted. You might want to do the same on your blog if you are having problems. It just started with my last entry.

:( Some jerks have a lot of time to spread viruses.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Easter Candy!

Easter is my favorite holiday and has been for a very long time. I know Christmas is great but this is my rationale:
1. Easter is in a fun, springy time of year when things are starting to get warm.
2. You get a pretty new dress to wear to church (at least that's how it used to be).
3. The candy is the best of any time of the year.
4. There is a good religious meaning behind it.

This year Easter is earlier than normal so it may not be a nice and springy as it has been some years but I am still looking forward to it. I was mentioning my excitement about Easter candy to Matthew the other day and he pointed out that I still havn't got through my Christmas and Valentines candy (see previous post about new years resolutions...yeah, I'm going strong!). This is true but I can't pass up the goodness of Easter candy and wait for a whole year for it to come around again. So I'm thinking maybe I should just hit the clearance racks the day after Easter and get some sweet deals. Sounds like a win-win situation to me!

I think this great Peeps picture will be on the poster for their new Broadway show (this was shot just before they do the kickline routine :). By the way, I am of the school of thought that Peeps are great. Sugar, air, gelatin...what more do you need?