Thursday, March 6, 2008

Easter Candy!

Easter is my favorite holiday and has been for a very long time. I know Christmas is great but this is my rationale:
1. Easter is in a fun, springy time of year when things are starting to get warm.
2. You get a pretty new dress to wear to church (at least that's how it used to be).
3. The candy is the best of any time of the year.
4. There is a good religious meaning behind it.

This year Easter is earlier than normal so it may not be a nice and springy as it has been some years but I am still looking forward to it. I was mentioning my excitement about Easter candy to Matthew the other day and he pointed out that I still havn't got through my Christmas and Valentines candy (see previous post about new years resolutions...yeah, I'm going strong!). This is true but I can't pass up the goodness of Easter candy and wait for a whole year for it to come around again. So I'm thinking maybe I should just hit the clearance racks the day after Easter and get some sweet deals. Sounds like a win-win situation to me!

I think this great Peeps picture will be on the poster for their new Broadway show (this was shot just before they do the kickline routine :). By the way, I am of the school of thought that Peeps are great. Sugar, air, gelatin...what more do you need?


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I'm with you, Easter candy is the best. I was eyeing it at the store yesterday, but I decided I'd wait til right after easter and get a bargain on it. Can't wait!

  3. Cadburry Eggs are my weakness! It's good and bad that I can only get them once a year, but I end up hoarding them and trying to make them last as long as possible!

  4. a Cadburry Egg!!
    and they sell them year round in England. lets go. like now.

  5. I'm with you on the Peeps, however I like them aged about 2 days, in the package, with just a slit cut in the plastic.

    By the way, i can confirm that Michelle has been the most enthusiastic Easter celebrator of anyone I've known, her whole life. Every easter picture we have of Michelle as a child, she has a mouth full of peep. A true enthusiast.

  6. Mini Eggs are my downfall. It disgusts me to admit that I've probably eaten about a dozen bags of them so far...and I'm not talking about the little bags. But they're only around during these few months!! I must take advantage!!
