Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Things that I didn't do last year that I am going to do this year

I personally don't like New Year's Resolutions because they so often don't last beyond January. So, to avoid that jinx, I am going to call mine Things I Didn't Do Last Year That I'm Going To Do This Year:

1) I am going to go back to school (starting January 22) and do my best to get straight A's so I can get in to the Idaho State PA program.

2) I am going to use my free gym membership (yeah--that's one of the sweet perks that comes with my new job at the physical therapy clinic!) at least four days per week.

3) I am going to eat more Barbecue Lays Potato Chips.

4) I am going to clean the bathroom once a week (not saying I usually have a nasty bathroom, I just haven't had a bathroom to clean for a's not standard equipment in the Toyota Campry :).

5) Make my 4.5 lbs. of French Chocolate Truffles from Costco last through June. Matthew has absolutely no confidence that I can do this.


  1. Hey Michelle,
    I tagged you! Go to my blog for the questions and repost. :)

  2. I have complete confidence that you can make the truffles last-especially if you are eating more chips! Oh I tried the cookies below (they taste fab) but they came out all flat and then when I tried to get them off the sheet they feel apart. Did I over cook the chocolate or over beat maybe??? I'll try again. Sadness.

  3. I've decided that #3 is my favorite. That's my kind of goal! I don't know about that last one though...
